Regreasing soap – what the heck is that?
Refattening means that the soap is full of healthy – 100% natural and organically grown – oils – that don’t dry out your skin. The skin’s own fats are not affected, as with normal soaps. Instead, a layer of oil is added to the skin. This type of soap is also called superfat. Superfat soaps are on the rise. Quite understandable, because of the high nurturing properties.
Irritation not a sign of allergy, but of clearance
If you switch to green cosmetics, you probably expect your skin to do well right away. And it IS that way, although it may not look like it right away. Sometimes you get some irritation at first, but that doesn’t mean you’re allergic.
This blog I like to highlight the Fresh New Day Deodorant (though the same goes for every natural deodorant).
Hormone disrupting substances in cosmetics
In TROS Radar on Tuesday evening 9 November 2020 there was an extensive item on the use of endocrine disrupting substances in cosmetics, such as parabens. We, as a natural brand, are very happy with this, because these kinds of programs make you as a consumer more aware of what you buy and make you realize that we are fooled in life by advertisements.
NO to microplastics
Have you recently seen the tv-show ‘Keuringsdienst van Waarde’ about microplastics? Unfortunately, in the cosmetics world more value is still attached to spreadability than to how good a product really is for you… and for the environment.
What do fragrances do to your mood?
What do fragrances do to your mood?
Fragrances and emotions are strongly connected with each other. The smell is one of our strongest senses. So it’s not surprising that different smells each have a different effect on your mood. A lot of fragrances are therefore also anti-depressive, because they are often made of summer flowers, which gives you memories of the fine summer days!